viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

Mis tutoriales: Un quilt de bebé, un osito y una marina / My tutorials: A baby quilt, a teddy bear and a seascape picture

Buenos días y buen viernes! espero que podáis disfrutar de un buen fin de semana. En Valencia ya ha empezado oficialmente el otoño, durante esta semana un día era verano y al siguiente pleno otoño y fuerte bajada de temperaturas pero estamos en Noviembre así que no nos podemos quejar. Hoy os quiero enseñar un quilt de bebé, un osito hecho con la trasera del quilt y un cuadro hechos por mí. 

Good morning and good friday! I hope you'll enjoy a very nice weekend. Auitumn has officially started in Valencia, during this week one day it was summer and the following full autumnn and low temperatures but we're in November so we can't complain. Today I'd like to show you a baby quilt, a teddy bear made with the back of the baby quilt and a picture all made by me.

El quilt de bebé está hecho con la técnica "disappearing nine patch" (aquí podéis ver un video tutorial y comprobar lo fácil que es):

The baby quilt is made following the "disappearing nine patch" technique (here you can watch a video tutorial and check how easy it is):

Antes de poner la trasera al quilt bordé el nombre de la bebita a punto de cadeneta y simplemente volví parte de la trasera hacia delante a modo de remate. Siento que la calidad de la foto no sea buena y que aparezca un poco arrugado, prometo que lo había planchado antes de meterlo en una bolsa listo para dárselo a la futura mamá jajaja. 

Before sewing the backing of the baby quilt I chainstitched the name of the baby and simply sewed part of the backing to the front as a kind of binding. Sorry about the poor quality of the photograph and although it is a little wrinkled I promised I had ironed it before putting it in a plastic bag ready to be given to the future mum jajaja.

Y aquí podéis ver el osito con su florecita y todo a juego con uno de los colores del quilt. Siento decir que no recuerdo de dónde saqué el patrón pero en internet podéis encontrar miles.

And here you can see the teddy bear with the little flower in one of the quilt colours. I'm sorry to say that I can't remember where did I get the pattern from but in the internet you'll be able to find thousands of them.

Y por último un cuadro del que estoy orgullosa porque es la primera vez en mi vida que pinto. La pintura es una actividad creativa que me interesa pero que reconozco que no tengo habilidad para ello y que además me gusta más la tela y el hilo. Aunque no tengo foto del "antes" sí os puedo decir que el cuadro estaba colgado en vertical y eran unas flores grandes y de color rojo oscuro y ahora está colgado horizontalmente y es un paisaje de mar (un poco abstracto y a mi gusto). La técnica que utilicé fué pintar todo el cuadro en blanco para darme una base neutra y luego ir improvisando con marrones, blancos y azules dándole luego unos toques de verde. Espero que os guste

And last a picture which I'm quite proud of because it's the first time in my life that I paint a little picture. I'm interested in painting as a creative activity but I have to admit that my skills for it are almost none and apart from that I prefer the fabric and the thread. Although I don't have a "before" photo I can tell you that the picture was hanging vertically and they were some dark red big flowers and now is hanged horizontally and it's a seascape (a little bit abstract and nice for my taste). The technique I used was painting the whole picture in white to give me a neutral base and then start improvising with brown, white and blue giving it some touches of green. I hope you like it

2 comentarios:

  1. I like how you put the name on the quilt - they will like it for sure. I can not paint well - you did a good job. I hadn't been getting your blog delivered to my reader for some reason so have it now by email notification on your sidebar

    1. Thank you Karen!, yes, the mum-to-be loved it and promised to send me a photograph with her little hand or foot some day after the beginning of January when Carolina is due and then I'll show it in the blog. I can't paint either but I did it on an impulse, a sponge, some paint and less than an hour was the only things I needed (if any good painter reads this, please forgive me, glups!). I'm sorry you have not been getting my blog delivered to your reader, I sometimes have the same problem with yours and many other blogs I'm subscribed to and even with the links I show in the blog (they are broken!). I wrote an email to Blogger with no reply and I don't know how to do it. Any reader can help? Thank you very much for your comment Karen, it's very much appreciated. Love!!


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