miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013

Tutorial: Un caftán para la playa/ A beach cover-up

Buenos díaaas! Durante este mes de Agosto nos veremos sólo los miércoles así mantendremos el contacto mientras todos recargamos las pilas durante las vacacionees.

Good morning! During the month of August we'll meet only on wednesdays so we can keep in touch while we all recharge batteries during the holidayss.

Hace no mucho dando una vuelta por unos grandes almacenes ví un caftán de Calvin Klein hecho de gasa con un precio que pa qué os cuentooo y me dio la idea de poneros este tutorial por si os apeteciera haceros uno en un ratito y lucir bien guapas en la playa o piscina. Perdonad mi poca habilidad para dibujar pero he pensado que estos dibujos os facilitarían el saber cómo hacer el caftán. Espero que os guste y que lo luzcáis yendo a la playa fresquitas y con estilo. Un abrazo veraniego!!.

Not so long ago I went to a big department store and I saw a Calvin Klein beach cover-up, a very pricey one, made of gauze and it gave me the idea to put this tutorial today in case you want to make one for yourselves in almost no time and look beautiful in the beach or pool. Please excuse my bad drawing abilities but I thought this drawings would make easier for you to know how to do the beach cover-up.I hope you like it and enjoy going stylish to the beach. Summer hugs!!

Se me ha ocurrido una sorpresita, un algo diferente que espero os guste. A partir del 18 de Agosto os daré más datos, será una especie de adivinanza respecto a un lugar, ya os contaré más. El premio será poder postear una vez en mi blog respecto al tema que el/la ganador/a desee. El/la ganador/a me enviará el texto (en inglés o en español) y fotos o sólo el texto a postear (siempre dentro de la educación y el respeto al blog, a sus lectores y a mí) y yo lo pondré tal cual. Será divertido!!

I have thought about a little surprise, something different that I hope you like it. From 18th August I’ll give you more details, it’ll be a kind of a riddle about a place, I’ll tell you more then. The prize will be to post once in this blog about the topic the winner would choose. The winner will send me the text (either in English or Spanish) and photographs or only the text to post (always bearing in mind the good manners and respect to the blog, its readers and me) and I’ll post it as I receive it. It’ll be fun!!

Materiales: Dos pañuelos rectangulares de algodón o material fino  de unos 60 cm de ancho por 1.80 cm de largo aprox., hilo, aguja y tijeras.
Supplies: Two scarves of about 60 cm wide x 1.80 cm long, thread, needle and scissors.
Realización: Poned los pañuelos derecho con derecho y cosedlos a lo largo dejando una abertura en el centro de unos 45 cm para poder meter la cabeza. Como podéis ver el caftán tiene escote de pico delante y detrás. Podéis coserle los costados un poco para que se quede más como un vestido de playa o dejarlo tal cual.
Steps: Face right sides of scarves, sew them along the length leaving an opening for the head of about 45 cm. As you can see the beach cover-up has a V-neck front and back. You can sew both sides a little bit for it to be more like a dress or leave it as it is.

4 comentarios:

  1. caftan is perfect for the beach - I love the one pictured and yes it would not be very hard to make.

    1. Hi Karen! Yes it is very easy to make and not only perfect for the beach but to make one for home for those summer hot days in which one doesn't want to be dressed at home or with shorter scarves make a kind of blouse. Just suggestions. Love!

  2. This is so stylish and it looks like a dress! I love it <3

    1. Hi Rylie! this caftan sounds perfect for our summers (as our both countries are beside the Mediterranean and at least the Valencian one is very humid)and as I was replying Karen this caftan is perfect for staying at home too or for a blouse in the shorter versión. Many thanks for your comment. Love!!


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